About Us
The Centre for University - Industry Collaboration, Anna University Chennai was established in the year 1991 with a primary focus on the following domains namely: Campus Placement for Engineering / Technology / Management Students; Faculty Empowerment Programmes, Arranging Industrial Training; Industrial Visit and Industrial Project for Students; Training Programmes for students on Core Competency Development and research in engineering and technology in collaboration with industries. The campus placement and internships are regularly arranged every year for more than 4500 students belonging to UG / PG programmes and development activity in the University Departments. Every year around 200 companies from India and abroad, visit the academic portals of Anna University for their prestigious recruitment. The campus placement offers three kinds of jobs namely Core, IT and ITES for the students which cover 95% of the eligible and interested students from Anna University. The CUIC also conducts Tamil Nadu State Level Placement Programme for the benefit of all the Engineering colleges affiliated to it.
Ongoing Projects
AUCUIC & RNTBCI (Renault Nissan Technology & Business Centre India)
- Employability skill Enhancement programme - Around 600 students studying in affilicated colleges of Anna University were trained on Mechanical sciences.
- Scholarship for 60 students by merit-cum-means
- students were trained on Advanced level Quality Improvement Programme(AQIP).
Mobothon with Daimler Francis Services
- CUIC, Anna University jointly with M/s Daimler Financial Services successfully conducted a Mobile App Contest (MOBATHON) for the benefit of the students studying in the affiliated colleges of Anna University.
- The event organized in 3 zones namely Madurai, Coimbatore & Chennai, 20 teams participated in the final event was held at CUIC, Anna University
AU Titan Hackathon
- CUIC jointly with M/s Titan Company Limited conducting a Hackathon event for the benefit of the students studying Engineering Programmes across country during the month of March to May 2016.
On-Going Activities of the C.U.I.C
- Arranging Industrial Visits for Students
- Enabling the students to secure Project Internship with stipend
- Facilitating Research Fellowships from industries
- Arranging Inplant Training for students during Summer / Winter Vacation
- Enabling the students to get placed in reputed Companies with decent Cost to the Company (CTC)
- Conducting Tamil Nadu State Level Placement Programme for the benefit of all the colleges under Anna University with Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore, Salem and Trichy as nodal centres
- Conducting Soft Skill Development and Competency Building Programmes to the students to increase their employability sklls.
Industrial Visit/Industrial Training/Internship
Industrial training has been made mandatory for all Under-Graduate Branches of Engineering as per the curriculum. This gives wide exposure about the various functions of the Industries prior to the completion of their studies. CUIC with assistance from various industries and departments is arranging Industrial Visits, Inplant Training and Internship to students of Anna University.
Anna University Chennai is offering three 5 Years Integrated Courses namely M.Sc. Computer Science, M.Sc. Information Technology and M.Sc. Electronic Media Science for the students of +2 level (HSC). Those students have to do an intensive one semester intern project in the industries. In this regard, the CUIC plays a vital role in identifying Core / IT Companies to provide students level to innovative application oriented projects from real life situation.
Tamil Nadu State Level Placement Programme (TNSLPP)
The CUIC not only concentrates on placement of the students of University Departments of Anna University but also that for the students of the constituent colleges, Government Colleges, Aided Colleges and Affiliated Colleges under Anna University through Tamil Nadu State Level Placement Programme (TNSLPP) by requesting the IT and Core and other industries to create confidence to all students.
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
About MoU
The CUIC has also been instrumental in forging many MoUs with various Industries and Research and Development Establishments. These MoUs will enable the students to get Internship training, Placement, Industrial Readiness, Professional Competencies and also Soft Skills Development.
MoU with Accenture Services Private Limited
M/s Accenture has signed a MoU to create Anna Accenture Innovation Laboratory at CUIC premises. Based on this MoU, Accenture has donated 50 Computers and one Server to set up the Innovation Laboratory. This laboratory is fully utilized to conduct jumpstart programme of Accenture and other advanced level IT related courses.
MoU with Tata Consultancy Services
A MoU has signed with Tata Consultancy Services to establish Academic Interface Programme at Anna University. Under this programme, Tata Consultancy Services is extending his support to organize Workshop for students, Faculty Development Programs for teachers, Best Student Awards and Best Project Award to encourage healthy competition at Colleges, Internship Training opportunity for students.
MoU with Cognizant Technology Solutions
As part of the MoU, CTS funded the following Projects:
- Setting up of Open Source Lab
- Setting up of Security Lab
- Funding for auditorium beautification